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Switzerland Branch
Canadian Branch
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Norwegian Branch
London Based Arobanam Children's Fund

CWDR opens Electronic Workshop/Retail-outlet staffed by women

  (CWDR – 10 Oct 2007)
Two years ago the Norwegian ODW scheme gave funds to CWDR through our branch in Norway to provide vocational training to students who dropped out of school due to the causes created by the war.

ODW is a scheme in Norway where school students sacrifice one day of their school days to collect funds from public for the development of vocational training to students in other countries who are affected by war. CWDR received funding through this scheme.


The ODW funds received by CWDR were used to provide varied vocational training to students over the last two years.

These students were then also assisted to find employment. All of the students assisted by CWDR through this scheme are young women who had dropped out of school.One set of students received training in TV and Radio repair. In order to provide employment to some of these young women on October 10 2007 CWDR opened Electronic Workshop/Retail-outlet. Presently only retail section is operational.

Those employed, however, have received training in TV and Radio repair, Photoshop editing, and designing and constructing decorative lighting for shops etc. These services will be gradually setup once a regular electricity supply has been put in place