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  "Working women changing Society"    "Working women changing Society"
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London Based Arobanam Children's Fund
Income generation schemes
The beginning: This is where the bulk of our efforts for the advancement of women below poverty line are focused. This is also our oldest efforts that began in Jaffna in 1995. In the villages of Neerveli and Puththur in Jaffna we conducted sewing classes for 25 women and donated them sewing machines so that they could take orders and earn some money by working from home. We followed this with training women to make durable snacks that could be packed and marketed. This very first effort, more than a decade later, has grown into projects that span the entire Northeast.

Our projects at village level have touched the lives of thousands of women increasing their income, knowledge, and awareness of many relevant issues. At least 4000 women have raised their income to comfortable levels with our various assistance programs.


Retail outlet
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Loan repayment scheme
Women were assisted with loans to setup retail outlets in the villages where women could place the products they have made at home for sale. These outlets came to be known by the common name “Uthayatharakai” with the place name attached. The style of marketing of these Uthayatharakai centers varied from location to location. In some locations the retail outlet became popular places for individual customers. Others specialized in taking large scale orders for hospitals, schools, and NGOs
Local shops
Women were given startup loan to open very small scale shops to cater for a village
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Single owner shop

of 200 families. These shops became popular because they were open 24 hours. Women will bicycle to the nearest larger market centers to purchase the stock for the shop and bring it back on their bicycles.

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Uthyatharakai branch sewing centre
Paddy and horticulture cultivation
We give loan for women to cultivate paddy for the season. Women who do not own
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Rice cultivation
paddy fields would lease paddy land to cultivate. We have also assisted women in vegetable growing. We have bought water pumps to be shared by many women in a village to irrigate their vegetable plots
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Vegetbale gradening
Women were also given loan to purchase livestock to care for at home. Popular
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Livestock presentation
livestock are, chicken, goat and cow. We encourage women to buy only high yielding livestock. In the east we have also trained women to keep honey bees
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Chicken farm
Village development
We have identified some extremely poor villages and through a holistic project we have initiated several programs that also included income generation schemes for women in need. Other programs for these targeted villages include, rectifying the gravel roads so that children are not prevented from going to school due to flooded streets; a preschool; a common village well; and library. To date we have developed four villages in this manner. All of the management of these projects was carried out by women themselves.


Some success stories:

Peanut selling: Iyankan Ladchumi is 60 years old. In their old age they were left with the responsibility of caring for her sisters three young daughters after death of their parents in the 2004 tsunami. The old couple survived by meeting their own needs through selling roasted peanuts by the roadside. With increased responsibility of caring for three girls they would have struggled. CWDR assisted them with Rupees 10,000 loan with which they improved their small scale work. They were able to generate good profit and made some savings.
Hairdresser: Akkinesamma’s family income was just Rupees 2500 per month. Her husband was a hairdresser and they have three children. CWDR assisted them with Rupees 10,000 loan. With this loan they started a small scale poultry farm and they have increased their income to above poverty level. They repaid the loan in time.
Tea shop: Sermala and her husband owned a very small tea shop and they were unable to generate adequate income to support their four children. CWDR assisted then with Rupees 15,000 loan with which they expanded their shop and its stock. This increased their income to adequate level, although they are struggling at present due to the economic strangulation of Vanni.
Retail shop: Sasikala’s husband is partially disabled and they have four children. With CWDR loan of Rupees 10,000 they started a retail shop. They were able to generate a profit. They repaid their loan and again obtained a further loan of Rupees 15,000 and started a poultry farm. They expanded their shop. They also purchased a fishing boat and net and Sasikala’s husband now also goes fishing. With income generated from three different sources they live a contended life.
Pre-school and village irrigation canal completed in Korakkankaddu
A preschool building and the village rain water drainage canals repair were completed by CWDR in the Korakkankaddu village. The two projects were officially opened on 25 June by Vethanayagam, Government Agent (GA) for Kilinochchi District.(more)
Uyirppu update
The third stage of the Uyirppu scheme of giving loans for income generation activities of individual families was carried out in the CWDR Kilinochchi district office on 24 June. The scheme is a combined project of CWDR and a local bank.(more)
Uyirppu update
On 15th May, forty deserving women beneficiaries in Kanakarajankulam and Mankulam in Vavuniya district were assisted with loans under the Uyirppu  scheme run by CWDR with assistance from the local bank.(more)
Uyirppu update
The Uyirpu scheme to encourage income generation for women passed a milestone in March. The number of women who have received loan assistance through the scheme passed the 1000 mark. More than 19 million LKR have so far been loaned. .(more)
Korakkankaddu village study
A meeting to estimate the needs of the backward Korakkankaddu village for the year 2008 was undertaken on 2 February 2008 by CWDR with assistance from the North East Coastal Community Development Scheme.(more)
Uyirppu scheme update
The following loans were given to deserving women under the Uyirppu loan scheme run by CWDR with the assistance of a local bank.(more)
Sewing training completed for women in Iranamanagar
Thirty five women from Iranaimanagar completed a sewing training course that was run by CWDR and funded by OXFAM. This training will enable the women to earn while at home caring for their children.(more)
Uyirppu scheme implementation progress
35 beneficiaries in Kilino- -chchi and 60 beneficiaries in Mullaithivu district were handed livelihood assis- -tance through the Uyirppu scheme on 16 and 15 November respectively .(more)
CWDR launches Uyirpu loan scheme
With loan given by banks CWDR launched the “Uyirpu” small loan scheme to encourage income generation among women who have lost their bread winners in the war, tsunami or by natural causes. (more)
CWDR rewards its saving groups in Mullaithivu district
Saving groups are made up of around 10 women with leadership abilities. They are given loans to develop income generation schemes for their families and also move further to encourage others in their neighborhood to do the same by providing loans to them from their own savings. (more)
Resettled families assisted with nursery plants for their new land
Families displaced by war in the villages of Nagendrapura and Korakkankaddu in the Kilinochchi district were assisted with nursery plants for the land they are newly settled in .(more)
Women in Vavuniya north gets income assistance
Income generation assis- -tance was provided to 26 women from villages in Vavuniya north by CWRD on 10th August 2007. The funding assis- -tance for this was provided by FORUT and ICRC.(more)
Awareness workshops held in backward villages
A series of training workshops were held by CWDR from 12 July till 30 July 2007 in the backward villages in Mullaithivu district. About 40 men and women attended this training workshop from several villages. (more)
Bridge, road and library in Puliyam pokkanai opened for public
CWDR undertook the implemen tation of a project to build a bridge and a library and renovate the main road in Puliyampokkanai in the Kilino chchi District. (more)
Events to mark International Women’s Day
On 8 March 2007, to mark the International Women’s Day, CWDR held events in Mullaithivu and Vavuniya districts. (more)