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  "Working women changing Society"   "Working women changing Society"
Switzerland Branch
Canadian Branch
French Branch
German Branch
Norwegian Branch
London Based Arobanam Children's Fund


Malarcholai – a long term women’s refuge


Displacement and the breakdown of the social fabric create another set of problems for women. Women for whatever reason are abandoned by their husbands and families, and are left to fend for themselves and their children. Malarcholai run by CWDR take in the mothers and their children who need a long term refuge.


Mothers at Malarcholai are encouraged to get involved in income generation schemes and earn money rather than eternally depend on handout from CWDR. It has worked well. Some women after gaining self confidence and skill have been wanted by their husbands who have decided to live as a family again. Some have become long term residents of Malarcholai but they are all gainfully occupied. Some of them, while residing at Marlarcholai, go out to work and earn a living. Their children are taken often cared of at Senthalir Children’s Home also run by CWDR.


CWDR has also helped two of the woman at this centre to find a new partner and they have moved back into mainstream society to live as a new family.
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As of April 2007, 132 mothers and 143 of theirchildren have benefited from this centre since its inception. Of these 74 mothers and 92 of their children rejoined their families. Presently 59 mothers and 51 of their children are cared for at Malarcholai. Some case histories of beneficiaries, cited here, reveal the breadth and width of this service and how it benefits women.


Success stories:
Santhi’s marriage began to fall apart when her husband started extramarital affairs. Her husband also became very abusive. Unable to bear her husband’s infidelity and abuse she walked off from her family and eventually ended up at Malarcholai in 1999. When she arrived here she was in no state to even take care of her children. She gained some training in sewing and with the help of CWDR, she setup a tailor shop that was part of the Uthayatharakai chain shops run by CWDR. Presently she has left Uthayatharakai and she is able to stand on her own feet with the income she generates through her own tailor shop.
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Malarchelvi attempted suicide twice following constant abuse by her husband. She was eventually brought to CWDR by a female community leader in 2005. She came with her four children and was determined to bring them up through her own efforts. She has gained many skills including sewing, cooking, and work at factories. Her children are learning from Senthalir Children’s Home and Malarchelvi is able to buy all the children’s clothing and educational needs. She saved a part of her income that has grown to a good size. She is today a very confident woman.
Malarcholai income generation activities
Several small scale income generation activities have been launched for the women at Malarcholai.(more)
Malarcholai self sufficient in vegetables
Malarcholai women have developed an extensive horticulture section that provides the vegetable needs of the centre. (more)
Malarcholai gets its new residence
A new residence for the beneficiaries of Malarcholai was opened on 8 October 2007. CWDR funded the building. (more)