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  "Working women changing Society"   "Working women changing Society"
Switzerland Branch
Canadian Branch
French Branch
German Branch
Norwegian Branch
London Based Arobanam Children's Fund
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Electronic Class at our institute
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Carpentry Class at our institute
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Weaving class in Batticaloa
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Bicycle Repair in Mullaithivu
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Basket Weaving Class in Mannar
Other specialist courses we have run

Whenever someone with a skill that will help women in their search for economic independence comes forward to give training we are always ready to run a course. Courses that have been run in this style include the following. Similar courses in Television repair and carpentry have also helped more than 50 women.

Mechanical and electronic repair

In 1999 with funding provided by the CARE organization we held training in motorbike and sewing machine repair.  The trainers were paid market rate with the funding provided. It was a success and a repair workshop was setup in Mullaithivu staffed entirely by women who were trained in this course. It ran successively but had to close down as the women moved to distant areas following their marriage.  Running this course is expensive due to the high rate of pay for the trainers and we have not been able to run it for lack of funds. Similar courses in Television repair were also given to more than 50 women.


English language, and Art classes have also been held at our institute as one off classes. They are not held on a regular basis mainly because of shortage of trainers who are willing to work for the low wages.

100 girls who have dropped out of school due to poverty were given classes in English at our institute. English for 80 school leavers were also provided away from the institute in various districts.

25 interested young women received training in art from a visiting volunteer from overseas.