<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/htm" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" %> CWDR_Partners
  "Working women changing Society"   "Working women changing Society"
Switzerland Branch
Canadian Branch
French Branch
German Branch
Norwegian Branch
London Based Arobanam Children's Fund
CWDR Norway Branch

The Bergen Tamil Women group, the Stavanger Tamil Women group and the Oslo Tamil Women group help us by coming under the CWDR-Norway umbrella. They help to fund the education of the children in the Senthalir Children's Home. They raise funds by, packeting and selling tea, making and selling snacks, providing food for large events, door to door sale of donation tickets and advocay to the Norwegians to raise funds from them.

They have brought interested Norwegians to the NorthEast so that they can see the needs of the women firsthand and thus create opportunities for the Norwegian to help us help the women.

Many Tamil families living in Norway also help us through the CWDR-Norway branch by feeding the children in Senthalir for one day as a way of celebrating the important dates of their family such as birthdays.


Norway Pre-school assistance

Klubben Barnehage and Hinnakirkens Barnehage are two pre-schools in Norway that collects funds from the children and the teachers and send it to the Senthalir Children's Home every year.


Help from Church Priest

Mr Ulrik Soverup Thygeson is a Norwegian Church priest. He has and is continuing to help us to care for the intellectually handicapped women.

Norway Tamil students funding

CWDR-Norway has implemented a saving scheme among the Tamil students learning Tamil language in the Tamil schools. The students are given a savings box to save whatever they could from the pocket money they receive from their parents. At the end of the year the money is collected by CWDR-Norway branch and sent to fund the running of the Senthalir Children’s Home.

Students in Norway who collect for Senthalir are given certificates and they unanimously express their satisfaction in being able to help fellow Tamil students in NorthEast to continue their education.

Tamil school children in Norway rasing funds for CWDR

Senthalir building

Norwegian Branch played a major role in bringing to the attention of the Norwegian Government the devastation of the Senthalir Children’s home in the December 2004 Tsunami. Funds provided by the Norwegian Government through CWDR-Norway were used to rebuild a hostel and a medical unit for the Senthalir Children. Children are presently living in these new buildings. The medical unit not only serves the Senthalir children. The building is also used by other medical services to provide medical service to the other children in the community.

Donating a plaque in memory of children killed in the tsunami - Fundation stone laid by Norway - School stationary donated for Senthalir children
The CWDR-Norway branch also funded the distribution of school stationary for the Senthalir children.