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  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

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Interim report: The bombing of Vallipunam school camp on 14 August 2006


Children in Northeast, especially those under LTTE administered areas have missed out on many aspects of school life that is enjoyed by most school children. One of the aspects is the enjoyment and learning in school camps. With this in view and with the impending threats of displacement and aerial bombardments many people in the education profession felt the need to give children the opportunity to learn essential skills to survive in times of disaster.

The Principals Associations of Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu came up with a blue print for a ten-day residential school camp for girls as a pilot project to fulfill the felt need. A full schedule for the ten-day camp was handed to all the school principals of the schools from which the children participated. The program’s stated goals are teaching community leadership skills, first aid, gender equality, self-confidence building, time management and teamwork. The trainers for these school camps were drawn from school teachers and other education professionals. Activities included fire safety, water safety, electrical safety, chemical safety and safety during air raids, creative self-expression through drama, music and comedy, relationship between social institutions and the young generation, gender issues in society during teenage years and in adulthood, and extensive first aid.

Vallipunam school camp

The Vallipunam Senchcholai complex was chosen as the site for the pilot residential school camp. The site was chosen because it was the designated as Senchcholai children’s home (orphanage for girls) and has been registered as such with its location coordinates with the GoSL through the UN organizations. Although the Senchcholai girls home shifted to a new location in January 2006, the Vallipunam location remained declared as a children’s home area. The school camp was on its third day of the ten day program when it came under aerial attack by the GoSL forces.

The aerial bombing attack

500 girls at this camp were getting ready to gather for the morning assembly at 7.00 am and were running late. Many of them were listening to the radio about the ongoing clashes in the Northeast. It was then that four Sri Lankan air force kfir jets dropped 16 bombs on the Vallipunam school camp premises. Girls who were huddled over the radios listening to the news were the ones hit directly and most of those killed and injured sustained injuries on their backs. Girls who were doing other chores ran into the adjoining jungle area and managed to escape death or serious injuries.

Several girls died on the spot and more died in hospitals. The death toll at the latest count stands at 61. Some of the bodies were in pieces and had to be scooped up. 155 girls are receiving treatment in hospitals for injuries and of them 25 girls are in critical condition. Many of the injured girls have lost limbs and some have lost both legs or arms. The full list of those killed and injured will be released within a few days.

The Vallipunam school camp is in an area that is 100 percent residential and also includes many children’s homes (orphanages) and welfare organisations. Any INGO working in Mullaitivu, of which there are many, will confirm the presence of children’s homes (orphanages) and welfare organisations within one Kilometre radius from the Vallipunam school camp.

16 August 2006

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